Kahn Family Home Page Dream Park - Kahn/Tatge Family home page

 I'm finally using this cool domain name for something!  This way to Toonerville Vintage Comics.

 Toonerville Trolley Links

Why Toonerville?
Our first home was named Toonerville, after the Toonerville Trolley comic strip by Fontaine Fox. We might use this as a family home page eventually. For now, our family page is at Dream Park Home Page (that's what we call our current home).
Magic Lantern Light Show
Possibly the last of the great freestyle psychedelic light shows, brought to you by Richard Tatge and Chuck Schlensig. 
Sharon's Hobbies: the Trailing Edge
Last year's computer games and last century's musical instruments.

Sharon and Richard
4002 Pillsbury Avenue
Minneapolis , MN , 55409



This Site Parked At  Low Cost Domains